"The Blues: History & Music"


Welcome to the class!

This class web site is a "Support learning System" for our Blues Course. Here you will find lectures, assignments as well as an extensive list of resources.
Students will also use this site to communicate with the instructor, to post discussion comments related to given topics and to submit assignments. 

Importance of this course:

Blues is part of the cultural American Heritage. As such, College Students must be able to understand and appreciate the Blues as part of American cultural values.  In addition, the educational curriculum of the new millennium calls for Global Citizenship education.  Global Citizenship must be pursued in the classroom at all educational levels. The understanding and appreciation of American cultural diversity will facilitate the students’ understanding, respect and appreciation of other cultures of the world. 

Large Mail Box

Discussion Board

Clipart of a pencil; Size=135 pixels wide

Tips & Hints


Speaker 1
Listening Guide

Blues Society Page:
Clipart of a newspaper; Size=234 pixels wide
Bios, Pictures & Music

Picture Album

Blue file folder
Course Content

Meet the Challenge!

Film Spool 1
Movie Picks

"(Blues means) what milk does to a baby. Blues is what the spirit is to a minister. We sing the blues because our hearts have been hurt, our souls have been disturbed. But when you sing the blues, let it be classy."

                                                            Alberta Hunter, 1977

"The Blues: History and Music" is an Educational Site Designed and Edited by Prof. Sylvia Constantinidis.